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British Blind Sport launches new resource to support visually impaired athletes

New 'Supporting Visually Impaired People in Athletics' resource launched by British Blind Sport in partnership with England Athletics and British Athletics.

British Blind Sport (BBS) are proud to announce the launch of a new athletics resource, designed to support visually impaired (VI) people in track, field and road-running activities. The resource will help athletics providers to be VI friendly through their delivery of athletics participation opportunities. The resource is the second in a series of educational resources produced by British Blind Sport - who celebrate their 40th anniversary this year.

BBS Chief Executive, Alaina McGregor said:

“The positive effects of participation in sport for a visually impaired person cannot be underestimated and we are aware that skilled coaches and teachers make all the difference in helping others achieve their goals."

Coaches, teachers and parents play an important role in developing recreational activities. BBS want to ensure that they all have the knowledge to create an inclusive and accessible sporting environment for people with sight loss. Funded by Sport England, the resource will enable a wide range of athletics providers to:

  • Better understand the needs of people with a visual impairment
  • Greater knowledge about how to meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people
  • Utilise communication skills to support visually impaired people

Chris Jones, Chief Executive of England Athletics commented:

“We are proud that athletics is perceived by many as being a trailblazing sport in the area of inclusive delivery.
We have made a deliberate commitment to ensure that all resources, events and delivery programmes are inclusive at the point of use in recognition that the sport of athletics should be accessible to all and that there should be no divisions."

Developed in partnership with England Athletics and British Athletics, this extensive athletics resource includes information about:

  • The fundamentals of sight loss
  • Advertising athletics events to blind and partially sighted people
  • How to guide visually impaired people in track, field and off-track situations
  • Health and safety considerations such as obstacles and traffic
  • Competitive athletics for people with sight loss

Rt. Hon. David Blunkett MP commented on the resource:

“These fantastic resources help to break down barriers to participation as well as assist and provide tips on how to make each sporting experience enjoyable for every visually impaired person.”

British Blind Sport’s VI Friendly Athletics resource is available in print, online and in a PDF format. To find out more and access the resource click here. For more information about British Blind Sport, click here to visit their website.