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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Interactive launches new website to support more disabled Londoners to be active

Interactive is delighted to announce the launch of its brand new website, designed and created to support the continued promotion of equality and inclusion in sport and physical activity participation.

The organisation’s growing online presence through web traffic and social media engagement meant a new website was a high priority for 2015. The result is a user-friendly website design that will better support Interactive’s continually growing network of partners across a number of sectors.
Many of the new features stand to benefit Interactive’s Inclusive and Active subscribers and adopted organisations, which can access useful resources from the website for their own use. Organisations can also complete a subscriber joining form online. Upon joining, members of the Interactive subscriber network are granted exclusive member access to the website.
To ensure the website is accessible to all, Interactive has involved key partners in its development. Thanks go to Roy Smith MBE (Pocklington Trust), Ben Quilter (Royal Borough of Greenwich/GLL) and Alick McKenzie (Enabled City) for their feedback and support throughout the process, and XeldomLive for the design and construction of the site.

To find out more about Interactive’s subscription service and how you stand to benefit from joining please contact Kate Budd ( To visit the the new website click here