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UK Deaf Sport announces new national conference for 2015

UK Deaf Sport, the National Disability Sports Organisation (NDSO) for deaf people and those with hearing impairments, is delighted to announce the first UK Deaf Sport national conference. ReDEAFining Deaf Sport will be held on Friday 15 May 2015 in London.

The UK Deaf Sport national conference 2015: ReDEAFining Deaf Sport, will be held on Friday 15 May at The Wesley hotel, near Euston station in London. Aimed at sport development professionals the conference will look to address the following key topics: 

  • The importance of becoming DEAFinitely Inclusive
  • How to be innovative and adapt delivery planning, marketing and communication to include deaf people
  • Knowing your audience. Understanding research and insight about your audience to ensure the right provision is available.

The conference will bring together a line-up of expert speakers and contributors from the world of deaf sport to discuss the key issues and opportunities, explore innovative ideas and exchange examples of better practice with delegates. UK Deaf Sport are keen to attract professionals working within the sports development sector to the conference, including delegates from National Governing Bodies of sport, County Sports Partnerships, Local Authorities and other organisations with similar remits.

Established in 2003, UK Deaf Sport is a registered charity that aims to encourage deaf people to participate, enjoy and excel at sport. They provide information and advice on sporting events for deaf and hard of hearing people and run a community programme called 'DEAFinitely Inclusive' that creates opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people of all ages to play, coach and volunteer in sport at a local level.

If you work in the sports development sector and are interested in attending the UK Deaf Sport national conference 2015 please click here to register.
For more information about UK Deaf Sport and opportunities for people with a hearing impairment visit their website here.