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Disability Sport Conference 2015, Nottingham, opens for booking

Cerebral Palsy Sport is delighted to announce that booking is now open for Nottingham 2015: promoting equality and equity in disability sport conference.

Booking is now open for Nottingham 2015: promoting equality and equity in disability sport conference that is to take place on 12-13 August at Nottingham Conference Centre.

The conference will look at the issue of how equitable disability sport is across Europe and especially in Great Britain. Discussion will focus around four themes: therapy and sport, investment opportunities, new participation opportunities and coach development. The conference will also explore and highlight examples of better practice in disability sport and physical activity.

Cerebral Palsy Sport will be delivering the conference with the generous support of Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, Sport England and Bear IT. The programme of activity will include a mixture of presentations with key speakers, workshops and courses designed to educate, inspired and challenge delegates on how equitable their current provision and practices are towards disabled people. 

Nottingham 2015: disability sport conferences aims to provide sport delivery agencies, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and education professionals a unique opportunity to hear first-hand about the current practices being used to engage more disabled people to take part in sport and active recreation. As well as the main conference programme there will be opportunities to network, talk with exhibitors and attend the CPIRSA World Games.

For more information about Nottingham 2015: disability sport conference, download the provisional conference programme and book your place at the conference please visit the Cerebral Palsy Sport website.

If you're interested in exhibiting at the conference please email Cerebral Palsy Sport. For more information about the Nottingham 2015 CPISRA World Games click here.