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EFDS Annual General Meeting- Election of Trustees and Chair

This year our AGM will be taking place on Thursday 9 July 2015 - the venue will be confirmed shortly.

The formal notice convening the AGM will be sent out by Thursday 18 June 2015 in line with our 21 day rule. On this occasion, we have five Trustees standing for election. Three of our existing Board members, Charles Reed, Ken Black and Tracey McCillen will be putting themselves forward for re-election.

Charles Reed has also expressed his wish to be considered for re-election as our Chair for a second, and final, three year term and the Board has indicated its unanimous support for Charles to be considered for this role.

Since the last AGM, the Board has co-opted two additional Trustees to fill the vacancies left by the resignations of Gerry Kinsella (3 July 2014) and Liz Neale (22 January 2015). These are Phil Friend and Rob Belbin and full information about both co-opted Trustees now seeking election at the AGM, alongside existing Trustees seeking re-election, will be sent out with the AGM papers. 

In accordance with our Articles of course we do invite applications from other interested parties for the positions of Trustee and Chair and we particularly welcome expressions of interest from disabled people whose own experience of sport or physical activity can inform our work, or from people working in the wider disability sector.

The EFDS Board will be considering its recommendations to put before the AGM before papers are sent out and it would be helpful to know if there are any nominations for the positions of Trustee or Chair from Member organisations in advance of that. 

Applications including supporting letter, current CV, Equal Opportunities form and a completed Skills Matrix (available from Christine Envis - should be submitted to the Company Secretary by email to or post to English Federation of Disability Sport, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough LE11 3QF by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 3 June 2015.

If you wish to discuss the roles further, please contact Barry Horne either by email ( or telephone (01509 227755).