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Share your sporting views with Mind

Mind, the mental health charity is there to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support. They are delivering a new programme called Get Set to Go which is funded by Sport England and the National Lottery and will provide 75,000 people with access to local sport.

This summer they will be developing training and materials to support coaches and sports professionals working with people who have mental health problems. However, they want to ensure that these materials meet your needs. They have worked with Sports Coach UK, Sport England and a range of partners to put together this survey.

Whether you have worked with people with mental health problems before or not – please tell them what information you need to feel confident and better understanding how to make sure everyone is included in your sessions. You can also help them by sharing this with coaches, volunteers and officials in your networks. 

Complete the survey here

Find out more about their work and how you can become more active on their website.