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Head to the Lake District for BMC Disability Symposium 2015

The BMC Disability Symposium 2015 returns to the Lake District on 28-29 November to give people skills and support to introduce people with disabilities to adventurous activities.

In 2013, 50 outdoor instructors joined the BMC and the Calvert Trust for the first ever BMC Disability Symposium. 

This year, the symposium will bring delegates up to speed with the latest best practice and features talks from Eiger paraclimber John Churcher and Emmerdale actor, motivational speaker and quadriplegic Andy Walker.

Workshops range from organising expeditions for people with disabilities, technical sessions and legal considerations, to disability specific sessions.

As well as workshops, discussions and speakers, there will be the opportunity for delegates to gain experience by running activity sessions for people from the local area who have disabilities and wish to try out climbing or hill-walking.

Do you support or instruct people with disabilities to go hill walking, climbing or mountaineering?

The symposium is suitable both for experienced practitioners who want to keep up-to-date with current developments and share best practice, as well as those with little or no experience of working with people with disabilities that recognise it as an important area for their continued professional development.

Prices range from Saturday tickets (£60-75) to full weekend tickets including two nights of accommodation and meals (£110 to £180). For bookings contact Full information via the website.