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Bowls organisations team up to improve opportunities

The Bowls Development Alliance, Disability Bowls England, Bowls England, English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd and Aero Bowls are to form a working group to increase opportunities for disabled people to participate in the sport of bowls.

The Disability Steering Group is responsible for ensuring that a number of key actions identified within the sport’s National Disability Action Plan, which covers items including club development, marketing, community engagement, coaching and competitive bowls, are completed.

The Steering Group is chaired by Paul Brown, who won a bronze medal in the Para-Triples at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, and represents Disability Bowls England.

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) is also represented on the steering group.

Paul Brown explained:

“We are aware that there is a significant amount of work to be done and a number of challenges to be overcome in order for us to successfully increase disability participation.

"The Disability Steering Group will work to ensure that the Strategic Action Plan has a demonstrable, sustainable impact on the sport.

"However, whilst these foundations are still being laid, progress has already been made in terms of bringing new people into bowls with the latest figures showing nearly 1,000 disabled participants now playing bowls regularly.”

More information can be found on the Disability Bowls England website or by calling 0115 123 456.