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Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training 'has furthered my knowledge'

A group of undergraduate students at the University of Sunderland recently enjoyed a Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training workshop to complement their studies.

As volunteers enrolled on the university’s Sport Career Academy programme, the participants included students from a variety of fields including Primary Education, Health and Social Care and Psychology.

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is a three-hour practical workshop complimented by online resources.

It is designed to improve the skills and confidence of those who support disabled people to be more active, and is a creative and informal development opportunity.

Graeme Forman, a sports coach UK tutor who delivered the workshop on the day, told the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS):

“The students were really engaged and enthusiastic. It was great to see they already had a good level of knowledge – however, introducing different inclusion principles such as the Inclusion Spectrum into their work will be of great benefit to them for future delivery.”

The Sport Career Academy is a volunteering initiative at the University of Sunderland which provides opportunities for students from all programmes of study to gain relevant experience working in a variety of community sport settings.

Student reaction to the Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training was very positive. Jamie, one undergraduate, said:

“Today was great, and I definitely feel it has furthered my knowledge of delivering to disabled people.

“The course itself was an appropriate length and I particularly enjoyed the combination of practical elements with some theory as well.”

Over 3,400 people have now benefited from the practical, informative and enjoyable training.

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is for those who support disabled people of all ages within the community, and have an opportunity to put the training into practice.

For example; carers, support workers, parents, volunteers and community groups and organisations.

This particular workshop was organised by EFDS and the local County Sports Partnership, Tyne & Wear Sport.

Ruth Nicholson, Coaching Development Manager at Tyne & Wear Sport, said:

“Tyne & Wear Sport organise Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training workshops – this is such a valuable resource for anyone working with, caring for or supporting people with disabilities.

“Those attending the workshop learn ways to adapt activity to make it accessible to everyone. The benefits for all to be active, no matter how little, are so important in improving people’s wellbeing and quality of life.

“We would recommend this multipurpose workshop to anyone who can have a positive effect on delivering appropriate, inclusive and beneficial sport and physical activity to disabled people.”

For further information, please contact EFDS, email or telephone 01509 227751. Find us on Twitter @Eng_Dis_Sport, Facebook and LinkedIn.