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National Wheelchair Tennis Series nears opening tournament

Australian Open wheelchair tennis Champion Gordon Reid has thrown his support behind the Tennis Foundation’s new National Wheelchair Tennis Series, which gets underway next month in Loughborough.

The Tennis Foundation National Wheelchair Tennis Series, which will feature 10 tournaments between March and November, caters for players of all abilities and is the entry-level tier of tournaments for wheelchair players in Great Britain.

All events are run by experienced, local organisers with the support of the Tennis Foundation. These tournaments are a great way for wheelchair players to meet fellow players in their region and test their game at a competitive level. 

Reid, who won his first singles Grand Slam title at the Australian Open at the end of January, played in and won his first tournament at a corresponding Tennis Foundation-supported tournament in Glasgow in 2005.  

Reid said:

“The Tennis Foundation have been instrumental in my development as a player.

“We’re always looking for new ways to encourage people to take up the sport and the National Series will be a great way to get into competing in a friendly and fun environment. I would encourage anyone who plays recreationally to enter and give it a go. You never know what it may lead to!”

For new players, every Tennis Foundation National Wheelchair Tennis Series tournament in 2016 will have a novice division for players who haven’t competed before, and will be a fun, supportive way to try out playing competitively for the first time

More experienced players can enter the main draw and are able to gain points at each tournament according to their finishing position. Players can also choose to play in either singles or doubles events or both. At the end of the year awards will be given to the top ranked male and female players in both singles and doubles.

For more information about the Tennis Foundation Wheelchair Tennis National Series, including a full calendar of tournaments and entry forms, please visit or email