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London Marathon runner: "Embrace the sense of personal achievement"

The Virgin Money London Marathon 2016 (external site). takes place in just 48 hours time on Sunday 24 April. This year the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has 25 runners tackling the tarmac, raising money for the national charity.

Staffordshire London Marathon runners

This EFDS team once again contains a host of runners with different levels of experience. Rob Hickey, a loyal supporter and EFDS fundraiser, is this year running his third marathon for the charity which seeks to help disabled people be active for life.

However, this weekend Rob will not be alone on the start line.

“This year is extra special. A friend and I have been running together for five years and our travels to take part in marathons raised some interest among other friends in our village of Whittington, Staffordshire.
“We run every Sunday morning from our local pub, The Dog Inn, and over the last 18 months more and more people have joined us for a nice social scamper through the countryside and around the city of Lichfield.
“We now have 35 people in our group, 14 of which signed up to run for EFDS in London.”

Among the group are first-time marathon runners and seasoned veterans, all united by a strong friendship.

“We will all celebrate together afterwards and embrace the sense of personal achievement. But far more importantly we will have hopefully helped a little towards allowing people to experience the sheer joy that we will have had through participation in sport.”

If you would like to support Rob with his fundraising challenge, you can donate on his JustGiving page.

For more information on the London Marathon, visit the London Marathon or follow on London Marathon on Twitter. Find out more about fundraising for EFDS Fundraise for EFDS.