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New resources enable providers to engage more disabled people

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has worked with Sport England on their new resources called Mapping Disability. Following the release of the first two resources in January 2016, the latest two in the suite are now available. The aim is to help providers to engage more disabled people through better communications.

Girl enjoying riding a horse. Credit RDA.

We know from experience with our successful Inclusive Communications Guide and short animation that providers appreciate support to reach and engage more disabled people.

We worked with Sport England to produce their second report Engaging disabled people- the research. This research with disabled people looks at the vital ingredients that make up successful and accessible communications – such as the channels themselves, marketing materials and how to give people a great first experience in sport.

Out of this, there is a publication designed to act as a practical guide. This helps grassroots sport organisations and is based entirely on what disabled people told us during the research that is important to them when receiving communications.

Engaging disabled people- the guide is a list of recommendations, things to think about and ideas of good practice when reaching, engaging and communicating with disabled people.

Visit Sport England's Mapping Disability page. You can also look through more resources on our website.