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British Gymnastics launches new charitable foundation

British Gymnastics has created a new charity called the British Gymnastics Foundation. The charity, which is a company in its own right, had its first Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday 3rd June 2014.

The British Gymnastics Foundation Board of Trustees is made up of the following people:
Ray Phillips – Chair
Nicola Bolton – Trustee
Laurie Colton – Trustee
Sarah Hampshire – Trustee
Jerry Tweddle - Trustee
Michelle Fulford – Trustee
Simon Kearey - Trustee

The motivation for setting up the British Gymnastics Foundation is to provide considerable benefit for the public; ensuring that communities and individuals are positively impacted by its activities. In particular, the British Gymnastics Foundation will strive to develop people and help people reach their full potential through sport; providing opportunities to improve peoples’ lives and strengthen communities with the positive influence of sport.

The British Gymnastics Foundation is currently in the early stages of development and further information will be released as the charity develops; so watch this space for exciting new developments coming soon!

British Gymnastics has provided the British Gymnastics Foundation with a substantial support package to ensure that the charity gets off to the strongest possible start; providing stability for the charity to grow and develop quality projects, programmes and other activities in order to achieve maximum benefit for good causes. As part of the set-up of the charity, British Gymnastics has seconded two members of its staff to the British Gymnastics Foundation; Patrick Bonner will take on the role of British Gymnastics Foundation Manager and Samantha Campbell will take on the role of British Gymnastics Foundation Administrative Manager.

Find out more on the British Gymnastics website.