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Introducing Every Body Moves - get active in a way that works for you

ParalympicsGB and Toyota have announced the launch of the ground-breaking Every Body Moves initiative to empower disabled people to become active in a way that is right for them.

A woman smiles whilst holding a walking frame. The Every Body Moves logo is in the top left hand corner with the words Powered by Toyota underneath.

Drawing on the lived experience of disabled people throughout the UK, Every Body Moves is an evolution of the award winning Parasport powered by Toyota platform which has grown to become the nation’s largest online destination connecting people with thousands of inclusive sporting and physical activities. 

Every Body Moves has been developed thanks to a renewed commitment from Toyota to promote inclusive sporting opportunities. It comes at a time when new research* on behalf of ParalympicsGB reveals disabled people’s physical activity levels have been disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living challenges: 

  • Disabled people are almost twice as likely as non-disabled people (17% compared to 10%) to say they are unable to find accessible and inclusive activities near them.
  • Disabled people are twice as likely as non-disabled people (30% compared to 15%) to say they are feeling lonelier and more isolated now than before the pandemic and cost of living challenges.
  • 82% of disabled people could name at least one reason why taking part in physical activity and or sport is important to them.
  • Almost half (48%) of disabled people agreed that being part of an inclusive community involved in physical activity is important to them.

The platform features more than 7,000 inclusive sessions and a range of virtual workouts, hints and tips, and has been co-produced with disabled people. It will aim to improve accessibility standards for physical activity listings and will place the lived experience of disabled people at the heart of the programme to enable even greater numbers to enjoy the benefits of becoming more active. 

To launch Every Body Moves, more than 150 disabled people took part in a ‘come and try’ session for different sports and activities from archery and dance, to wheelchair basketball and table tennis, at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield today (20 March).

They were joined by Paralympic gold medallists Hannah Cockcroft, Jonnie Peacock and new ParalympicsGB chief executive Dave Clarke.

Dave Clarke said:

“Every Body Moves is an exciting initiative aiming to connect with even more disabled people across the UK and promote inclusive sport. I would like to thank Toyota for their ongoing commitment to building on the successes we have already achieved to empower more disabled people to become active in a way that is right for them.
“Our research demonstrates the importance of this launch given the disproportionate impact of the pandemic and cost of living challenges on the disabled community, something which I have experienced first-hand myself as a disabled person.
“Disabled people tell us that representation is a crucial part of breaking down barriers to participation in physical activity and this is why it is so important we celebrate the benefit of movement for Every Body.”

Since the partnership between ParalympicsGB and Toyota started in 2018, the digital hub has expanded to feature thousands of inclusive activities across the UK, with more than 650,000 unique website visitors. The programme’s success was reflected in the fact that it won a 2022 Sports Industry Award in the Active and Wellbeing category. Grants totalling £500,000 were also awarded via the Toyota Parasport fund to grassroots organisations to support inclusive provision during and post-pandemic.