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Activity Alliance Vice President recognised at Sport Industry Awards

John Amaechi OBE, Activity Alliance Vice President, received the Integrity & Impact Award in association with InsightX at the FEVO Sport Industry Awards 2023.

John Amaechi OBE profile shot, courtesy of APS

The award was presented as recognition of his impact in educating the sport industry about discrimination in society and for his efforts to encourage athletes to use their voice for good.

John is a respected organisational psychologist and Founder of APS. He is an amazing champion and advocate for inclusion. He has contributed an enormous amount to our charity and our vision - fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.

The awards were hosted by sports presenter Laura Woods and TV personality Mark Durden-Smith. The star-studded event celebrated the immense work done in the sport sector. This included delivering world-leading events of all formats through to using sport as a platform to drive social change.

On receiving the award John Amaechi OBE said:

"I’ve presented this award and it never occurred to me that I’d be in contention to win it. I was an average NBA player, so I’m unlikely to pick up sporting awards that are related to actually being good at sport. So it’s quite nice to pick up an award that sits in the sweet spot of my values, principles and ethics."

You can watch his full acceptance speech on YouTube by clicking here.

Photo credit APS Intel.