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Activity Alliance responds to Government's sport strategy

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has published the government’s new sport strategy, ‘Get Active:  A strategy for the future of sport and physical activity’. Here Adam Blaze, Chief Executive at Activity Alliance, responds. 

Group of disabled people doing leg stretches during a group PT session
“We welcome the new sport strategy. The focus on collaboration is welcomed, as is the desire for a cross-government approach for all. Sport and physical activity being more inclusive and welcoming, and the specific reference to disability sport, is a real positive.
“It’s incredibly important that a clear and unambiguous figure has been put on what should be achieved by 2030. We want to work alongside Government to help see 0.7m more disabled people being active in sport and activity by that date.
“It should not be the case that being disabled in our country in 2023 means you miss out on the benefits of sport and physical activity. Yet that is the case, and we need a shared agenda if we are to change this, something that is made clear in the strategy. To truly tackle inequalities, more must be done to ensure that all sport and activity is accessible for everyone. If we get it right for disabled people, we get it right for so many more. 
“We welcome the ambition for organisations to focus on closing the gaps in activity levels that have persisted for far too long. We have programmes that have demonstrated a real impact in doing this, such as, Get Out Get Active with its inclusive focus and its success in getting inactive disabled people active. 
“There are more positives to take from today’s release, not least a clear commitment for all children to meet the Chief Medical Officers’ guidelines on physical activity. Our work educating teachers, and creating equal opportunities in PE, show things can improve.  
“Disabled people deserve the right to play, spectate and work at every level of sport and activity. We continue to work with Sport England and other partners across many sectors to achieve fairness for disabled people in sport and activity. We look forward to working with government to set out clear action plans from this strategy. Changing attitudes and embedding inclusive practice will ensure more disabled people in our country do not miss out.”