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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Webinar: Building trust to increase activity levels through health

Join our online event focussed on how to build trust between healthcare professionals and patients when it comes to talking about movement and activity.

Three people do a plank in a gym class.

The free online event, hosted by Activity Alliance and The Richmond Group of Charities, will take place on 28 September from 11:00- 12:00. You can book your place by clicking here.

The event follows the release of Activity Alliance’s Annual Activity and Disability Survey (ADAS) 22-23 in June. It showed that healthcare professionals are trusted figures for disabled people and people with long term health conditions, highlighting the key role they play in supporting them to improve their physical health and overcome fears about risk.

This online event will focus on how to build trust when it comes to talking about movement and activity. Providing examples that are based in practice and have had a positive impact on both the healthcare professional and patient.  

The hour-long session will include a panel discussion with useful resources also shared. To sign up and book your free place click this link

Why is this webinar needed?

Disabled people and those with a long term health condition tell us they want to be more active compared to non-disabled people (77% vs 54%). However, they are twice as likely to be inactive compared to non-disabled people. 

In our ADAS survey both disabled people and individuals with a long term health condition reported that healthcare professionals have a key role to play in supporting them to improve physical health and overcome fears about risk. Disabled people were most likely to prefer advice on being active from GP, doctors, or nurses (64% vs 44% of non-disabled people), or physios, occupational therapists, and other medical professionals.

In addition to this 57% of people with a long term health condition look to the NHS for advice on how to be active. The survey found that their most trusted source on how to be active is the NHS.

Activity Alliance works for fairness for disabled people in sport and activity. Our findings help to influence and educate, with a series of free online webinars planned over the coming months related to our Annual Disability and Activity Survey.