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Goalball UK reveals new video 'Tranforming People's Lives'

Two years on from the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Goalball is continuing to grow, “Transforming People’s Lives” as it does. It is more than just a sport, connecting blind and partially sighted people (plus their family and friends) socially as well as competitively. Goalball UK has released a new video to spark more interest and encourage more people to experience the sport.

Originally devised in 1946 to help rehabilitate soldiers who had lost their sight during the war, Goalball has been played throughout the world ever since. Although to play internationally players must be visually impaired, sighted players can play domestically as everybody is required to wear eye shades so that nobody can see. Players therefore have to rely entirely on their other senses - the ball contains internal bells so players are able to track its movement by its sound, whilst the court is marked out with tactile lines so players can feel where they are. The idea of the game is quite simply to score goals by bowling the ball along the floor, past the opposing team.  

"Transforming People's Lives" 

There are approximately 25 competitive clubs (playing in the Goalball UK National League) with new clubs being developed in key geographical areas. There are also a number of recreational and/or school teams. Clubs can have up to 3 teams – playing at Novice, Intermediate and Elite levels – with the season running from September to July and tournaments taking place throughout the country. 

All clubs welcome potential new players, coaches and officials, plus general volunteers, whilst all tournaments are free to spectators. 

For more information about clubs, ‘have a go’ sessions, coaching courses, tournaments and lots more, visit