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#2014InclusiveSport goes viral

Over the festive period, we asked our 12,400+ followers on Twitter to tell us about their 2014 inclusive sport highlights. Your response was fantastic, with some insightful, enlightening and funny posts.

EFDS's #2014InclusiveSport tweet to encourage conversation

We have posted some of the best below, to share and inspire you all for the year ahead:

Chadderton Park FC #2014InclusiveSport. Shows two boys using frames to play football.

Birmingham Disability Sports Forum #2014inclusivesport> Talks about Jordanne Joyce winning the grand slam in wheelchair tennis.

Wythenshawe Games #2014inclusivesport. Talks about Paralympic fencer, Justine Moore, training younger hopefuls.

Amy Curtis #2014inclusivesport talks about her deaf son achieving great things in swimming.

Andy Gardner #2014inclusivesport describes England winning the Four Nations at wheelchair rugby league, accompanied by photograph.

Beth Evans #2014inclusivesport describes 11 visually impaired women travelling to Nepal to play cricket.

Mo Monkton #2014inclusivesport winning bronze in the para triples bowls at the Commonwealth Games. Ian Martin describes a blind cricketer's performance in 2014.

Amy Marren #2014inclusivesport describes winning medals at the IPC European Championships.

John Kavanagh #2014inclusivesport describes seeing his autistic child ride a bike for the first time. RBT Boatability describes enabling 350 people to take to the water last year,

Tasha Sharky #2014inclusivesport describes winning five gold medals at the Disability Gymnastics British Championships in 2014. With accompanying photo of medals.