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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Take part in Sport England’s Active Lives consultation

Activity Alliance is encouraging partners to take part in Sport England’s Active Lives consultation by 30 July 2023. 

Group of disabled and non-disabled people taking part in movement and strength exercise class. Photo credit: Sport England

Sport England’s Active Lives Survey provides up-to-date insight on the nation’s activity levels, participation, attitudes and outcomes. The survey helps us all to understand changes and areas for improvement – and the data provided on demographic groups is vital to tackling inequalities.

The Active Lives team have proposed changes to local sampling for the survey. We support the reviewing of the sample based on greatest need, while maintaining the minimum amount per local authority to report on data for disabled and non-disabled people.

Our research team has reviewed the proposed changes, with the preferred scenario number 7.

You can read Activity Alliance response to the Active Lives consultation here.

Disabled people are one of the least active groups in our society. They face ongoing challenges from the pandemic, the rising cost-of-living, and declining wellbeing. Disabled people are less likely to participate in almost all sports and activities - despite 77% wanting to be more active.

We encourage local partners, and organisations working with people experiencing higher levels of inequality in sport and activity, to tell Sport England your preferences or concerns.

Useful resources:

  • Our 2023 ‘Annual Disability and Activity Survey’ report provides a deeper understanding of disabled people’s experience and perceptions of being active. We will release a separate report later in the year, showing differences for different demographic groups of disabled people.
  • We encourage people to explore data from 2021-22 using Sport England’s online tool. This will help you to understand how many disabled people participate in your sport or activity, or how disability affects activity levels for people with different demographics.