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Para Swimming World Championships supported by Activity Alliance

Up to 150 staff were trained using the Activity Alliance Inclusive Customer Service Training ahead of the Para Swimming World Championships.

Swimmers diving in

The Para Swimming World Championships are set to take place in Manchester next week (31 July - 6 August). Hosted in the UK for just the third time, the city will welcome some of the best para swimmers from across the world for a week-long competition.

Ahead of what will be an incredible festival of swimming,  up to 150 staff and volunteers for the games, from front of house to officials, have been given the opportunity to go through the Activity Alliance’s Inclusive Customer Service Training.

The eLearning course sets out to empower workforces within leisure and sport organisations. It aims to upskill teams responsible for customer care ensuring more disabled people to have a better, positive experience. Packed full of useful advice, including disabled people talking about their lived experiences, users learn top tips and practical advice when serving disabled customers.

The competition promises to showcase some of the very best swimming from across the world. Just as importantly, event organisers have promised to attempt to make it the most inclusive championships ever.

Activity Alliance has, alongside providing inclusive customer service training, offered expert advice and guidance. We ensured the volunteer recruitment process was inclusive of disabled people. Leading to disabled people hopefully seeing themselves as part of the Championships.

Andrew Whitaker, Strategic Partnership Advisor for Activity Alliance, has worked closely with the organising committee. He said:

"We have a brilliant relationship with organisations hosting the Championships. We also have many shared aims, not least to ensure that disabled people have been truly represented in the staging of the event.
"There have been real efforts to make these Championships the most inclusive ever. That obviously extends well beyond the pool. So being able to offer our Customer Service Training was a great example of how we can make a difference. This course can improve an organisation’s confidence and competence. Inclusive customer service means a more welcoming and positive experience for everyone, including disabled people.
"As an organisation we are always on hand to help ensure that there is fairness for disabled people in sport and activity. That is right through from opportunities for volunteers to the athletes themselves."

You can find out more about the Championships by visiting the official website here.