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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Inclusive marketing and communications

Effective marketing and communications is essential for all organisations. Inclusive and accessible planning and delivery can help everyone reach more people, including disabled people. We support organisations to embed key principles into their own work.

Watch our animation on inclusive and accessible communications

How we help

Our successful Inclusive Communications Guide and film is a useful starting point. We can also deliver training workshops for your communications and wider teams.

Our factsheets support providers to be more accessible and inclusive in their communications. Written in partnership with Big Voice Communications and Sport England, each factsheet is bursting with bitesize tips and better practice guidance. If applied effectively, the resource can help you to reach a wider audience, including more disabled people.

We have helped many organisations to audit, develop or improve their communications and campaigns in a more inclusive and accessible way. Ask our team for more information on this expert consultancy. 

Why inclusive and accessible communications matter

Research continues to show that marketing and communication can enhance experiences or restrict disabled people from being active. 

There are approximately 16 million people with impairments and long-term health conditions in the UK. This is one in five of our population.

As with any other large group, there can be no one-size-fits-all approach to how or what is communicated with disabled people. There are still a number of different factors that can prevent groups of people from receiving communications. This is despite the advances in technology.

The way in which some disabled people access communications may be different to non-disabled people. Some people need another way or experience ‘barriers’ to accessing information.

Get in touch

Our expert team can help to promote and share your work. We are always interested in hearing your news and we have a specific news email for stories.

Ask about our inclusive communications workshop or consultancy. We are committed to helping you so you can reach more people, accessibly and inclusively. 

  • Sarah Brown-Fraser, Head of Communications and Policy
  • Courtney Perks, Communications Manager
  • Wilf Reeve, Media and Campaigns Advisor
  • Sarah Sherborne, Communications Officer

Contact our team to talk about your ideas or needs. You can ask our Head of Communications and Policy, Sarah Brown-Fraser by email or call 07764 291671 to find out more about our work.