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Take part in BaseballSoftballUK equality survey

BaseballSoftballUK (BSUK) is committed to ensuring that baseball and softball are accessible to as many people as possible, and this study is an important part of monitoring the make up of our playing community. It can further be used to identify areas in which we can work to improve their offer and work towards their vision of the sports being played in every park.

To find out more, BaseballSoftballUK (BSUK) would like to invite you to take part in their equality survey. (If you are an organiser please forward this to members of your team/league and ask them to complete this online form.)

The equality survey was last performed in 2014 with approximately 550 responses, giving headline figures where 50% of the playing membership were aged between 26-40 years old and (in slowpitch softball) 49% of the participants were female.

The questionnaire can be found on the BSUK website and will only take a few minutes to complete.

Click to go to the questionnaire

  • Only one form per person should be filled out this year.
  • The deadline for responses is 11 September 2015.
  • If you have any comments or questions, please email