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Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is 'a big part of my life'

A tutor from Warwickshire says delivering Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is a “big part of his life”, as participant numbers pass 2,200 and continue to climb.

Mo Sarwar, a former squash professional who has delivered scores of Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training workshops, told the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) he does it because he “enjoys helping to improve people’s self-confidence and self-esteem”.

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is a creative, informal and informative workshop. It consists of three hours of practical training, supplemented by online resources, and is designed to improve the skills and confidence of those who support disabled people to be more active.

Described as "fun, interactive and interesting" by past participants, 17 members of charity staff in Oxfordshire recently enjoyed the training.

“I have taught dozens of sessions of Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training,” said Mo.

“It is for people in the community supporting disabled people of all ages and abilities. It gives them tools for including everyone in physical activity.

“Sometimes there might be a lack of awareness as to how to adapt or adjust an activity to make it more accessible. Through the workshop, I help and challenge them to make activities work, as well as devising new activities.”

ICT video

For Mo, based at Coventry & North Warwickshire Sports Club, a successful session is full of active participation.

“A good workshop is one in which the learners are engaged and asking questions, taking part and getting involved. And enjoying themselves!

“My approach is that I’m not there instructing participants – we’re all learning from each other. Many of those who attend are experts in their own right, they just need input from our angle. It often blends together really well.”

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training, part of Active Kids for All, is a three hour practical workshop supported by online resources, during which participants learn about practical tools to support inclusive delivery, explore creative ideas to support disabled people to take part in physical activity and sport and learn about local groups, activities and further training opportunities.

The training is for those who support disabled people of all ages within the community, and have an opportunity to put the training into practice. For example; carers, support workers, parents, volunteers and community groups and organisations.

And Mo is clear about why the recent workshop in Oxfordshire proved so successful.

“A highlight of the session was when the participants worked together to devise ways of adapting existing activities to make them even more accessible.

“Guided by me and their learning, we all collaborated and with my prompts they invented all sorts of new games and activities which they could deliver to the people they support.

“Coaching is my life, and Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training is a big part of it. I’m very happy that I am delivering it.”

For further information, please contact EFDS, email or telephone 01509 227751. Find us on Twitter @Eng_Dis_Sport, Facebook and LinkedIn.