Blog: EFDS takes a look at an A-Z of accessible sporting opportunities
The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) website features a blog post every Friday through the year.

In 2016 we’ll be taking a look at an A-Z of accessible sporting and fitness opportunities available to disabled people. This week we’re taking a look back at some of the blogs in the series so far, featuring kickboxing, kayaking and lawn bowls.
Read more in the A-Z blogs series.
Kickboxing – Gabrielle
I’ve been kickboxing for three years. My mum suggested I tried the sport out, and I went along one Saturday.
I didn’t know much about it, other than guessing it might be a bit like boxing. At the time I didn’t really want to go, or I wasn’t sure about it. But once I tried kickboxing I found I really enjoyed it – it’s really cool.
Kayaking – Belle Cartwright
Kayaking gives me complete freedom. When you’re on the water it’s just you, your boat and your paddle against the rapid.
When you first start, or at least in my case, you’re terrified. At any moment your boat can be shifted or moved by the rapids and you feel you might tip in at any point. However, you soon gain more confidence and start to enjoy it a little more.
Lawn bowls – Lynette Zadrazil
Bowls is a community thing, it brings people together and it gets the best out of everybody. It is a marvellous game, for both young and old.
It is perfect too for disabled people, because we can keep up. It is so nice to be included in everything.