Blog: Looking back at the latest A-Z blogs
The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) website features a blog post every Friday through the year. In 2016 we’ll be taking a look at an A-Z of accessible sporting and fitness opportunities available to disabled people. This week we’re taking a look back at the newest blogs in the series so far, featuring powerchair football, powerlifting and rugby.

Powerchair football – Amir Ali
To be a good powerchair football player you need to have an excellent understanding of your wheelchair. Often, a person will have been in electric wheelchairs for the whole of their life, so they will have a good “feel” of it, what it can do and how to control it.
Playing powerchair football makes me feel really good. I like to be competitive and play sport. From the first minute to the final whistle I am trying to get stuck in.
Powerlifting – Jemma Robinson
Powerlifting has made me much more confident in myself. For example, I now feel able to talk to strangers without feeling nervous – it’s a great feeling.
Through powerlifting I have been able to win some medals and trophies, and winning is the biggest thrill ever.
Rugby – Zac Presland
Rugby is just great fun and the sport teaches you how to be part of a team.
After we have played in a match we enjoy ourselves socially and I always feel great afterwards and very excited about the next event.
Read more in the A-Z blogs series.