Blog: Looking back at the latest A-Z blogs
The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) website features a blog post every Friday through the year. In 2016 we’re taking a look at an A-Z of accessible sporting and fitness opportunities available to disabled people. This week we’re taking a look back at some of the blogs in the series so far, featuring ultimate frisbee, underwater diving and volleyball.

Ultimate Frisbee – Matt Shepherd
Ultimate is a very inclusive sport. After a game I feel proud of myself. If I have played a highly competitive contest, I feel proud that I have been able to compete at a level with non-disabled opponents. I feel joyful, happy to have played.
The sport is unique in the fact that after every game, the two teams circle up together, and the captains make speeches about the match. It is an amazing feeling when an opposing captain compliments you on something that you have done on the field.
Underwater Diving – Lindsay Harper
Being freed from my wheelchair is enjoyable – my body gets a chance to stretch out and it helps to relax me physically. My legs ease out behind me and any tension in my lower body starts to relax.
I don’t feel my disability when I’m diving, because of the weightlessness. It’s how I imagine it must be in space – you’re just floating. I’m just like anyone else underwater, because apart from the fact I don’t wear fins on my feet nobody would know I’m disabled.
Volleyball – Mike Stoneman
While I’m playing I feel completely engrossed by what I’m doing. I shut myself off to everything else. You’re simply focusing on the game and your role within it, your movement, and you’re watching the ball and supporting your teammates.
It’s a great game that requires complete 100% attention and focus.
Read more in the A-Z blogs series.