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BBC wants to see your love of sport in action!

On Monday 25 November BBC Sport’s mass participation project ‘Get Inspired’ will launch a new viral campaign - “We want to see you in action.”

Some of the biggest names from across the BBC will be showing their sporting skills for Get Inspired and they want the audience to do the same.

They would love to see pictures or videos of people in sporting action so that they can share them on the Get Inspired website (, while some of the best may even appear on BBC One at the end of December’s Inspire: The Olympic Journey programme!

It can be a picture or video of people doing any sport, at any level. Just get in touch with us via the @BBCInspire Twitter account, using the hashtag #LoveSport to alert us to the video or picture or email the Get Inspired team.

Find out more on their website. Email: Twitter handle: @BBCINSPIRE. Hashtag to share pictures or videos of you in sporting action: #LoveSport