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Briefing NGBs on latest research to support increased disability participation

On 21-22 May the English Federation of Disability Sport is holding the third research briefing for National Governing Body (NGB) of sport.The days provide NGBs with more insight and knowledge in order to increase participation in their own sports or activities.

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) is the national charity and body, dedicated to disabled people in sport and physical activity. As part of the wider support for sports providers, EFDS established these meetings in 2012 to bring NGBs together and share research.

Representatives from all 46 sports are invited to come along to the sessions which are held twice a year. The sessions last for three hours during which EFDS share the results of the latest research along with pointing NGBs in the direction of other useful research. NGBs are also encouraged to share their own experiences and present findings from any research projects they have conducted.

Feedback from NGBs who have attended:

“I wasn't fully aware about what the meeting would involve but found it very thought provoking. I enjoyed the discussions and found the meeting valuable”

“The experiences of other NGBs was very valuable and helped challenge the current work we are doing”

“I enjoyed hearing from other sports about what they are doing. It's always good to hear see areas of good practice.”


If you are a National Governing Body of sport and would like to learn more about these briefings, contact Emma Spring, EFDS's Research and Insight Manager on or call 07817 787542