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Rugby Football Union seeking disabled people's views to shape future strategy

The Rugby Football Union (RFU) wants to ensure that as many people as possible can follow and take part in rugby whether as a participant, spectator, volunteer, coach or match official.

They have put together three surveys which form part of the disability strategy work:

  1. For the workforce, for those of you working with disabled people in rugby union and disabled people working or volunteering in rugby union
  2. For disabled people currently playing rugby union
  3. For disabled people not currently playing rugby union

1. Workforce

To help them with this they want to ask you some questions about your experience of being a coach or match official in rugby and whether you have any impairments or a disability.

Please answer the survey fully. It is completely anonymous and there is nowhere that they ask for your name. All the responses will be put together into one report which will help them to consider if we need to provide more opportunities for disabled people. They will store your information securely and in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998

Take the workforce survey here

2. Players

They want to ask you some questions about your experience of playing rugby, of being involved in rugby and whether you have any impairments or a disability.

Please answer the survey fully. It is completely anonymous and there is nowhere that they ask for your name. All the responses will be put together into one report which will help them to consider if we need to provide more opportunities for disabled people. They will store your information securely and in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998

Take the playing survey here

3. Non Players

They want want to ask people, who do not currently participate in rugby, some questions about your perceptions of rugby- even if you have no previous knowledge or experience at all of playing or watching the game. They will also ask you whether you have any impairments or a disability to ensure we are consulting with a cross section of people.

It is completely anonymous and there is nowhere that they ask for your name. All the responses will be put together into one report which will help them to consider if we need to provide more opportunities for disabled people. They will store your information securely and in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998

Take the non-playing survey here

If you have any questions about the survey please contact Alex Teasdale by email