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LimbPower introduces ‘ground-breaking’ Amputee BMI Calculator

LimbPower, the National Disability Sports Organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with limb loss or limb differences, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking Amputee BMI Calculator. This innovative tool is set to transform the way amputees and people with limb differences measure and manage their health.

Man with lower limb impairments swimming under the surface of the water.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely recognised metric for assessing body fat based on height and weight. However, for people living with amputations or limb differences, traditional BMI calculators can fail to account for the estimated weight of absent limbs resulting in inaccurate BMI calculations.

LimbPower's Amputee BMI Calculator addresses this critical issue by providing a tailored solution for the unique circumstances of amputees and limb difference individuals. By factoring in the absence of limbs, this calculator delivers more precise and reliable BMI results, enabling users to better understand their health status and make informed choices regarding weight management and prosthetic fit.

Kiera Roche, CEO at LimbPower said: 

"We are thrilled to introduce the Amputee BMI Calculator, a valuable tool that empowers individuals with limb loss or limb differences to take control of their health. Our commitment to improving the lives of our community members drives us to continually innovate, and this calculator is a testament to that dedication."

The Amputee BMI Calculator uses grams (g) and kilograms (kg) for weight, and centimetres (cm) and meters (m) for height. Testing has been conducted on individuals with limb loss, with ongoing efforts to improve accuracy. It is important to note that individual results may vary based on the length of residual limb(s).

LimbPower acknowledges that obtaining accurate height measurements can be challenging for individuals with bilateral lower-limb amputation or congenital limb differences. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a Rehabilitation Consultant for guidance on precise height measurement.

LimbPower remains at the forefront of efforts to support and enhance the lives of amputees and limb difference individuals, and the launch of the Amputee BMI Calculator is another significant step in achieving this mission.

Click here for more information about LimbPower and the Amputee BMI Calculator.