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The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity

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Take part in our annual stakeholder survey

Working effectively with our members, organisations, and disabled people and their supporters is vital to our work. We want to listen and understand your experience of working with Activity Alliance over the last 12 months. Taking part in our stakeholder survey will help us improve our services, policies, and programmes.

Inclusive sitting volleyball session

Activity Alliance is inviting stakeholders to take part in our Annual Stakeholder Survey. Your feedback helps us understand how we have performed in the last 12 months. We want to hear about our impact and how we can better work together to achieve fairness for disabled people in sport and physical activity.

Complete our stakeholder survey here – this link takes you to another website to fill out the survey.

The survey can be completed by anyone who has knowledge of or has a relationship with Activity Alliance. This includes our membership, other organisations inside and outside of the sports sector, and disabled people and their supporters.  

It will take 5 to 15 minutes to complete, depending on the types of support you have received from us. The survey will stay open until 11.59pm on Sunday 26 November 2023. Please share with any colleagues, friends, or interested parties.

Thank you for your support.

More information:

If you have any specific questions about the survey or would like to take part in another way, please contact Annabel Carter, Senior Research and Insight Advisor:

Email: or call: 07764291667