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Keeping families active together the GOGA way

Get Out Get Active is based on a simple premise, creating opportunities for the least active in society to be active together. It focuses on getting some of the UK's least active people moving through fun and inclusive activities and has reached 160,000 people since 2016.

A group of wheelchair users in a sports hall.

One incredible example of GOGA in action is a wheelchair basketball club in Nottingham that was set up with GOGA funding. Rob Ghahremani, club coach and founder, has joined May King Tsang for the final video in our series talking to those who have helped to shape, influence, and benefit from the programme.

The Nottingham Lions Wheelchair Basketball club is open to anyone. The encourage both disabled and non-disabled participants to give the sport a go. The team is described as a community, welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds.

Rob describes how one participant attends alongside their four siblings:

"We’ve got a young girl that comes to the sessions. She’s got four siblings, and they all come along, all jump into the chair and they play wheelchair basketball. I think it’s great because her siblings get to experience sport from their sister’s perspective which they don’t normally get the chance to do.
"For that one hour that they are playing sport, they get to see the world through their sister’s eyes."

This week on Thursday 19 October, Activity Alliance and partners will celebrate all things Get Out Get Active. We are bringing people together from across the UK to recognise the importance of their work. The event will give everyone present an opportunity to reflect on the impact of GOGA. We will celebrate how the programme has changed the lives of those involved. How the GOGA approach brings people together. And the people of GOGA, who continue to embed the GOGA way into their lives.

‘Inclusivity’ is the word that comes to mind when Rob is asked what GOGA means to him.

“Without the GOGA funding, and without the GOGA scheme then we wouldn’t have the opportunities that we have now.”

You can watch Adam Blaze, CEO of Activity Alliance, share his thoughts. Or, hear from a participant, Rosy Bevis, on the fun and friendships she has found at her GOGA sessions. Or, hear from Fiona Reid, CEO of Disability Sport Wales, who shares her memories of GOGA. Cat Clements also describes how GOGA is supporting Sport England’s strategy of Uniting the Movement.