Exciting new GOGA opportunities set to begin in Sunderland
The Foundation of Light will continue to be a Get Out Get Active (GOGA) partner thanks to funding from Sport England and London Marathon Foundation.

Inclusive weekly drop-in sessions aimed at disabled people in the North-East will be run as part of Foundation of Light's SEND programme. Designed for participants over 16 years-old they will provide the opportunity for the participants to engage in a variety of sporting of activities such as Football, Tag Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and Athletics.
Sunderland is one of five areas that have received additional GOGA funding thanks to Sport England and London Marathon Foundation. Wiltshire, Black Country, Amber Valley and Blackpool will all also continue to see the benefits of the national programme through 2024 and into 2025.
Jade Gilbertson, Foundation of Light Health and Wellbeing Manager said:
"The Foundation of Light is extremely pleased to be able to continue delivering the GOGA project into 2025. The additional time will enable the Foundation of Light to work with more partners, offer more activities and engage more participants in the local community.
"To date a strength of the project has been the relationships established with our partners. The ongoing relationship has and will continue to allow us to offer new and exciting opportunities to individuals and groups from a range of diverse backgrounds, which in turn will assist in the development of new skills, whilst having fun and connecting with others."
Since its inception in 2016 GOGA has reached more than 55,000 people. The Activity Alliance led programme brings disabled and non-disabled people together to enjoy being active in fun and inclusive ways. As well as participants there have been more than 4,000 volunteers engaged at sessions, with almost three in 10 volunteers having a disability.
Jade Gilbertson added:
"The Foundation of Light also want to continue to support the recruitment and growth of volunteers, which will ensure opportunities provided can become more sustainable and have a greater and longer lasting impact on those taking part."
You can find more information on the Get Out Get Active website.