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Found 553 news stories.
Annual Disability and Activity Survey update and 2023 plans
Activity Alliance share update ahead of Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2022-23 report release later this year.
British Blind Sport launches Strategic Plan for 2023-2027
British Blind Sport publishes new five-year strategy to ensure quality experiences for blind and partially sighted people in sport.
Adam Blaze shares first update as Activity Alliance Chief Executive
Activity Alliance's new Chief Executive Adam Blaze gives his first update since he started in the role.
Concern for motor development in children with a visual impairment
New research released by British Blind Sport raises concerns about motor development in children and young people with a visual impairment.
Inclusive Activity Programme eLearning module now available to all
From today, people can learn how to make physical activity inclusive and accessible to everyone at the click of a button.
Get Out Get Active releases its latest impact report
Today Get Out Get Active releases a new impact report, showing its impact from March 2020 to September 2022.
Blog: "Want more to be active? Enjoyment and inclusion is the way."
Kat Southwell, reflects on the Get Out Get Active approach and how it is helping to integrate physical activity into more lives.
Get Out Get Active launch top tips to setting up a deliverers' network
Our Get Out Get Active programme launches top tips to setting up a deliverers' network.
Announcing Adam Blaze as Activity Alliance’s new Chief Executive
Activity Alliance is pleased to announce Adam Blaze as its new Chief Executive.
Get Out Get Active launches new campaign The GOGA Way
Today Get Out Get Active launch a campaign to celebrate the success of GOGA. Showing how GOGA can help organisations do things differently.
Research reveals how to create inclusive PE environments in schools
Findings from Sport England's Secondary Teacher Training programme show how schools can adopt inclusive practices in PE and school sport.
Annual Survey 2022 data on people with specific impairments
The impairment report highlights the key findings from people with different types of impairments.