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National Fitness Day – Insight from the NDSOs

National Disability Sports Organisations (NDSOs) provide advice, support and opportunities for people of all ages with specific impairments. As part of National Fitness Day four of the group have come together to share ways that people with physical impairments can get active and have fun.

A man raises his prosthetic arm in a fitness  class.

LimbPower, WheelPower, CP Sport and Dwarf Sports Association UK are all celebrating the power of fitness and adapted fitness for people with physical impairments. Here we take a look at some of the programmes, stories and events they have shared.


LimbPower is dedicated to improving the quality of life of amputees and people with limb impairments through sport and physical activity. They have developed ReVAMP, a programme that provides online adaptive fitness sessions for people with limb difference, led by Jack Eyers, a personal trainer, amputee and GB athlete. Learn more about LimbPower and their ReVAMP programme here.


WheelPower provide opportunities and support for wheelchair users to get involved in sport and physical activity across the United Kingdom. Offering a variety of events, programmes and resources they support people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. 

For the past 3 years WheelPower has been delivering an extensive online programme of fitness classes for anyone with a physical impairment, all delivered by disabled fitness instructors.

For National Fitness Day they have focussed on wheelchair users and the many opportunities available to enjoy sport and fitness. Check out this story from Joanna in Scotland, who has benefitted from WheelPower's support and found a passion for wheelchair racing. Read Joanna's story on WheelPower's website.

CP Sport

CP Sport is a national charity that helps people with cerebral palsy get involved in sport and physical activity. They offer a range of events, programmes and resources to support people of all ages and abilities.

One of their programmes is CP Active, which is a series of online fitness sessions for people with cerebral palsy, led by qualified instructors. Find out more about CP Sport and their CP Active programme on their website.

Dwarf Sports Association UK

Dwarf Sports Association UK (DSAuk) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with dwarfism through sport and physical activity.

They have developed DSAuk Online, a programme that provides online fitness sessions for people with dwarfism, led by qualified instructors. Learn more about DSAuk Online here.

More information about all the National Disability Sports Organisations is available here.