Updated Research and Insight factsheets to help engage disabled people
Activity Alliance has recently updated two engagement factsheets, focussing on the importance of research and insight and how best to use it.

Research and insight help us to understand which sport and physical activities disabled people currently enjoy, which they do not and what they would like to take part in if given the opportunity.
One of our two recently updated factsheets has been designed to help organisations collect valuable insights to engage more disabled people. Gathering information ensures that programmes, support and services meet the needs of your audience and promote your aims effectively.
The easy-to-follow guide includes a range of helpful information, from statistics taken from our Annual Activity and Disability Survey to a suggested disability questionnaire you can adopt. You can download ‘Engagement through research and insight’, on our website.
The amount of information available to help you reach disabled people can be overwhelming, so it is important to have a clear idea of what you want to find out.
Another refreshed resource, ‘Gathering and using insight on disabled people’, provides top tips on how to be more effective in gathering and using insight. There are specific points to consider and places to look when gathering information on disability and disabled people. It highlights useful online sources of data which are free to access and advice on how to find key organisations.
These updated resources are part of a series of factsheets designed to help organisations embed inclusive practice and engage more disabled people to be active. You can find all 11 effective engagement factsheets on the resources section of our website.