Paralympics' legacy, are you communicating your offer well enough?
With a nationwide focus on the Paralympics in Paris there may be an increase in disabled people looking for information on how to be active. Effective marketing and communications that is inclusive and accessible is essential for all organisations.

As with any other large group, there can be no one-size-fits-all approach to how or what is communicated with disabled people. There are still a number of different factors that can prevent groups of people from receiving communications.
The way in which some disabled people access communications may be different to non-disabled people. Some people need another way or experience barriers to accessing information.
We all have personal preferences to how we access information and receive communications. Some disabled people have different needs or experience different barriers to accessing information. This resource will help you to embed key inclusive practices into your marketing communications planning and delivery at all levels.
Activity Alliance can support your organisation to reach a wider audience in sport and activity, including more disabled people. Our Inclusive Communications Guide and supporting film are a useful starting point. The guide, written with Big Voice Communications, will ensure you can share a wealth of information, increase participation and improve access to more opportunities for everyone.
Our inclusive communications factsheets support sport and activity providers to be more accessible and inclusive in their communications. The factsheets cover a range of communication topics, channels, tools, and platforms. They provide clear guidance and practical tips on effective planning, design, and delivery of accessible and inclusive marketing communications.
Find more information on our dedicated inclusive communications page.