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Found 232 news stories. Show all
Blog: “I believe people's happiness is worth investing in”
Ruth Hollis, Chief Executive of Spirit of 2012, shares her thoughts on the importance of investing of happiness and the success of GOGA.
The success of Get out Get Active: Kat Southwell, Head of Programmes
Our Head of Programmes, Kat Southwell, tells how our Get Out Get Active programme has been successful in engaging the least active people.
Blog: “Making a real difference is what it is all about”
In this blog, Mark talks about his passion around influencing policies, services and opportunities to support more disable people.
"Who says we can't? We can!" Steve's story
Hockey coach, Steve, gives his take on the who says? campaign and tells us how Midland Mencap Flyerz Hockey is challenging perceptions.
Blog: “Learning is essential to shaping future work”
In our latest blog we hear from Simon Hall, Physical Activity Policy and Delivery Lead for the West Midlands Combined Authority.
“Who says we can’t dance beautifully?” Goz and Lloyd’s story
Dancers Goz and Lloyd share their story for our who says? campaign.
“Who says you need to mention disability? It’s just tennis!”
Tennis coach, Paul, gives us his take on the who says? campaign and tells us how Grantham Tennis Club is challenging perceptions.
“Who says disabled people can't play a contact sport?” Ayaz’s story
Great Britain wheelchair rugby player, Ayaz, share's his story for our who says? campaign.
Blog: “Athletics has helped my confidence grow”
In our latest blog young athlete Ellie tells us how much athletics means to her.
“Who says I can’t hit for big runs?” Freya’s story
Activity Alliance is calling time on negative perceptions about disability, inclusion and sport and asks – who says?
Blog: “We love supporting local disabled children into athletics”
Rachel Miller, Managing Director at Smile Through Sport tells us how they are getting disabled people active across the North East.
Blog: “The most rewarding part of coaching is seeing people develop”
Anna Jackson, UK Coaching ambassador and wheelchair basketball coach, tells us why she loves coaching.